Friday, December 21, 2012

Thoughts after reading some article

was reading the story of "Alvin and Yuki" recently. this was intro by my bf.
i really dont under why must be ZR do this to someone getting married in 2 months time.
after reading all the story, i started to feel kinda depressed.
was asking myself, do i really want to get married? Im a gal, of course i can feel how she felt.
really scare that this will happen to me too. i hesitated.....
i believe, no one will able to take this kinda blow.
quite scary........
yesterday before i fall aslp, i saw sth on fb which makes me awake. im not going to say what i saw. bcox social network can be very scary. but all i could say is, as a gal, you really gotta think of what you really want in life. things like that, you shouldnt do it and let everyone misunderstand you.
it's not really nice to be a "3". in fact, being "3" is really ugly. never thought of how ppl would think of you? perhaps you just dont i also cant be bothered.

i think sth is really wrong with the younger generation ppl now. they do things really out of their mind. what is so fun playing around with relationship and being a "3" in between ppl.

today should be a happy day! so i will stop all the negative comments here.
while waiting for the office christmas gathering, here i am writing my blog.  will be doing some gift exchange and lucky draw later! yeah!
guess the programme recently will be really pack! going my sister's church tml to watch her performance. though i kinda lazy and unwanted to go. haha.

every body was saying 21 december 2012 will be the last day of the world.
my bf was so sweet that he posted on my fb and write

"Dear please be home tonight before 2359hrs. In case if really end of the world at least I can hug you tightly and leave the world together. "

i feel so touched and almost cried. of course, i didnt! because i was in my office. we have been together for 1 and half year, we are still staying close and sweet and loving! i told him, if the world is going to end, i will feel lucky that i found him before the world end. because he is really a very nice bf. which i really hope A and Y story will not fall on us.

i love to cook for him, because he has never say nasty thing about my cooking. all his words are nice to my ears! haha.... and no matter what, he will finish up the food i cook for sure! ^^

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