Saturday, December 22, 2012

the little kids

a saturday which i decided to stay at home the whole day in the end. whereby i should be otw to my sis church..... haha... kinda lazy to go out....
my bf who has 1 nephew and 2 nieces. the 2 nieces went pasir ris for chalet, which i am home with just the nephew. was lecturing him a moment ago of being a nice boy. when i asked him, " did you realized the treatment we gave to his 2 sisters are totally different away from him? and im sure you feel miserable why does this happen right?" after saying this sentence, his eyes were full of tears rolling at the corner of his eyes, i guess he really dont know why. so i actually explain nicely to him, and finally he understand. but im not sure so much does he really understand. hopefully he can really be a gd boy soon.
he is not naughty, he's just playful.
actually he is very clever, just that he's too lazy.
if he wants, he can study very well and get gd result.

yesterday the dreamt i had wake me up in the middle of myself sleep with tears. was dreaming of celebrating christmas with that group of my old friends. they disappear without telling me and left me alone there. i felt so miserable after that dream. till now, of course i will still miss them. several time, i thought of msg her to ask how is she. but i hold back in the end. just like today, i open up her whatsapp and thought of msg her, but i didnt. im thinking, perhaps they have just forget about me and my presence. and they dont need me as a friend. after that misunderstanding incident which caused the friendship to end, i was still in contact with Huina for a short period, and after that, it become silence. we got no more contact with each other. and now, no matter what event they have, and we used to have, they dont even bother to invite me anymore. perhaps they get tired of me rejecting them too. how i wish they could try a bit harder. but no, they didnt.
i am already not angry with the issue we had, just that she felt that there is a gap between us. which makes her think that we should draw a line in between. we used to be so good and close. and we used to be bff.
but now, no more. and i guess never will.
and she was never the one that insulted me, and i have never thought that she was the one. up till now, i know she will never be the one that will insult or make a joke on me. but maybe she thought she was the one i said. i dunno..... i did explained to her, but she dont seems to get it. anyway, the friendship just ended this way by the insulting joke by someone's husband-to-be. the guy is really a xxxxx. honestly speaking i really dislike some way he acted, it seems so fake. whereby, the gal cant see i guess. even that gal is my bff used to be, i also wont say much bad things about that guy no matter what. no matter how much i wanted to tell her to reconsider, i also didnt say a single word. because i know when someone who is deeply in love with somebody, she cant take in what i will say. a guy who has to drink like almost everyday, the photos that he posted on fb with another gal hugging so closely taking a pic, i really cant take it. since my bff used to be could take it, i will just keep quiet. just hope that she didnt chose the wrong guy.

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