Thursday, December 27, 2012

the long weekend

here wishing everybody belated christmas! oops! =x too late i know.
because i have been bz over the week...

21 December 2012
was having christmas gathering in the office. Buffet, Gift exchange and lucky draws. though there are around 40 staff attending and 10 plus of lucky draw prize, i didnt manage to win any. many of the colleagues told me there a "curse" in the office. which is, normally the new staff who got the big prize, will either resigned or tender the following year. Perhaps, that's the reason why i didnt manage to win any. i was kinda emo as i wanted the 3rd prize, which is the XBox (i told my bf about the lucky draw prize and he got the same thought as me to have to XBox). so after the event, i went back to my office, and i was telling myself, how can it be? not even a chance to win any thing? therefore, i throw the lucky draw paper name on my paper and pick any one. you guess what? i got my name. the feelings was like, WTF? haha. anyway, it's over.
the party started at 7pm and i told the caterer to come back at around 10pm to collect. End up, the party end at 8 plus. i was like, WTF, so early. tried calling the office main line, couldnt get through, if not i will have told them to come and collect immediately. Ended up, i have to stay in my office to wait for them to reach at 10. anyway, it still ended well.

22 December 2012
supposed to go to my sister's church at 4pm. But ended up kinda lazy, so i decided to stay at home to slack. =x feel kinda bad though. guess there's nth much for me to say on this date, as i have already update in your previous post?

23 December 2012
Another day of slacking at home? i guess? nothing to do, so have been singing K at home recently.

24 December 2012- THE CHRISTMAS EVE TO 25 December 2012
It's good that my current company give all of us a half day off. and i actually applied for another half day of leave. this is a day of celebration at Gwen's house. with the christmas theme of "movie character 2012". as i cant thought of any, so they actually allowed me to dress up any shows character in 2012. and i chose Vivian. Vivian was acted by Ann kok in 9PM show with a very thick and ugly make up. perhaps, many people will think why i want to make myself look ugly? that's my style i guess? it's fun.

one of the pic i got from my FB. haha! i guess many ppl wanna laugh.

this day, is not only just a christmas, it's also proposal of my friends! Jesmin and Alwi.

I really find that she looks pretty with make up on. =P
whenever seeing my friend's proposal, i will always feel so touched to the extend of crying. too happy for them. that they finally found their love one.

Every christmas, i will always celebrate with my 10 years of friendship friends. unfortunately, not this year.
and i am not invited. perhaps it's all bcox i told them not to invite me? at first, they still tried for once or twice, after that, nothing done. and they really did it. now, no matter what the occasion is, no more invitation from them, and perhaps, they have already forgotten that i exist? This year, it's a different christmas for me, feel kinda weird. i wanted to msg them, but, my thumb is too stubborn to click "send". i guess, none of us wanna give in.

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