Thursday, December 27, 2012

the long weekend

here wishing everybody belated christmas! oops! =x too late i know.
because i have been bz over the week...

21 December 2012
was having christmas gathering in the office. Buffet, Gift exchange and lucky draws. though there are around 40 staff attending and 10 plus of lucky draw prize, i didnt manage to win any. many of the colleagues told me there a "curse" in the office. which is, normally the new staff who got the big prize, will either resigned or tender the following year. Perhaps, that's the reason why i didnt manage to win any. i was kinda emo as i wanted the 3rd prize, which is the XBox (i told my bf about the lucky draw prize and he got the same thought as me to have to XBox). so after the event, i went back to my office, and i was telling myself, how can it be? not even a chance to win any thing? therefore, i throw the lucky draw paper name on my paper and pick any one. you guess what? i got my name. the feelings was like, WTF? haha. anyway, it's over.
the party started at 7pm and i told the caterer to come back at around 10pm to collect. End up, the party end at 8 plus. i was like, WTF, so early. tried calling the office main line, couldnt get through, if not i will have told them to come and collect immediately. Ended up, i have to stay in my office to wait for them to reach at 10. anyway, it still ended well.

22 December 2012
supposed to go to my sister's church at 4pm. But ended up kinda lazy, so i decided to stay at home to slack. =x feel kinda bad though. guess there's nth much for me to say on this date, as i have already update in your previous post?

23 December 2012
Another day of slacking at home? i guess? nothing to do, so have been singing K at home recently.

24 December 2012- THE CHRISTMAS EVE TO 25 December 2012
It's good that my current company give all of us a half day off. and i actually applied for another half day of leave. this is a day of celebration at Gwen's house. with the christmas theme of "movie character 2012". as i cant thought of any, so they actually allowed me to dress up any shows character in 2012. and i chose Vivian. Vivian was acted by Ann kok in 9PM show with a very thick and ugly make up. perhaps, many people will think why i want to make myself look ugly? that's my style i guess? it's fun.

one of the pic i got from my FB. haha! i guess many ppl wanna laugh.

this day, is not only just a christmas, it's also proposal of my friends! Jesmin and Alwi.

I really find that she looks pretty with make up on. =P
whenever seeing my friend's proposal, i will always feel so touched to the extend of crying. too happy for them. that they finally found their love one.

Every christmas, i will always celebrate with my 10 years of friendship friends. unfortunately, not this year.
and i am not invited. perhaps it's all bcox i told them not to invite me? at first, they still tried for once or twice, after that, nothing done. and they really did it. now, no matter what the occasion is, no more invitation from them, and perhaps, they have already forgotten that i exist? This year, it's a different christmas for me, feel kinda weird. i wanted to msg them, but, my thumb is too stubborn to click "send". i guess, none of us wanna give in.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

the little kids

a saturday which i decided to stay at home the whole day in the end. whereby i should be otw to my sis church..... haha... kinda lazy to go out....
my bf who has 1 nephew and 2 nieces. the 2 nieces went pasir ris for chalet, which i am home with just the nephew. was lecturing him a moment ago of being a nice boy. when i asked him, " did you realized the treatment we gave to his 2 sisters are totally different away from him? and im sure you feel miserable why does this happen right?" after saying this sentence, his eyes were full of tears rolling at the corner of his eyes, i guess he really dont know why. so i actually explain nicely to him, and finally he understand. but im not sure so much does he really understand. hopefully he can really be a gd boy soon.
he is not naughty, he's just playful.
actually he is very clever, just that he's too lazy.
if he wants, he can study very well and get gd result.

yesterday the dreamt i had wake me up in the middle of myself sleep with tears. was dreaming of celebrating christmas with that group of my old friends. they disappear without telling me and left me alone there. i felt so miserable after that dream. till now, of course i will still miss them. several time, i thought of msg her to ask how is she. but i hold back in the end. just like today, i open up her whatsapp and thought of msg her, but i didnt. im thinking, perhaps they have just forget about me and my presence. and they dont need me as a friend. after that misunderstanding incident which caused the friendship to end, i was still in contact with Huina for a short period, and after that, it become silence. we got no more contact with each other. and now, no matter what event they have, and we used to have, they dont even bother to invite me anymore. perhaps they get tired of me rejecting them too. how i wish they could try a bit harder. but no, they didnt.
i am already not angry with the issue we had, just that she felt that there is a gap between us. which makes her think that we should draw a line in between. we used to be so good and close. and we used to be bff.
but now, no more. and i guess never will.
and she was never the one that insulted me, and i have never thought that she was the one. up till now, i know she will never be the one that will insult or make a joke on me. but maybe she thought she was the one i said. i dunno..... i did explained to her, but she dont seems to get it. anyway, the friendship just ended this way by the insulting joke by someone's husband-to-be. the guy is really a xxxxx. honestly speaking i really dislike some way he acted, it seems so fake. whereby, the gal cant see i guess. even that gal is my bff used to be, i also wont say much bad things about that guy no matter what. no matter how much i wanted to tell her to reconsider, i also didnt say a single word. because i know when someone who is deeply in love with somebody, she cant take in what i will say. a guy who has to drink like almost everyday, the photos that he posted on fb with another gal hugging so closely taking a pic, i really cant take it. since my bff used to be could take it, i will just keep quiet. just hope that she didnt chose the wrong guy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

what is christmas with them?
i wont say anything...... perhaps, your had just forgotten me.......
a life without you all...... what friends are for?
sigh~~~~ no wonder people always say, one or 2 good friends are more than enough......
but i dont seems to have any i guess.....

Thoughts after reading some article

was reading the story of "Alvin and Yuki" recently. this was intro by my bf.
i really dont under why must be ZR do this to someone getting married in 2 months time.
after reading all the story, i started to feel kinda depressed.
was asking myself, do i really want to get married? Im a gal, of course i can feel how she felt.
really scare that this will happen to me too. i hesitated.....
i believe, no one will able to take this kinda blow.
quite scary........
yesterday before i fall aslp, i saw sth on fb which makes me awake. im not going to say what i saw. bcox social network can be very scary. but all i could say is, as a gal, you really gotta think of what you really want in life. things like that, you shouldnt do it and let everyone misunderstand you.
it's not really nice to be a "3". in fact, being "3" is really ugly. never thought of how ppl would think of you? perhaps you just dont i also cant be bothered.

i think sth is really wrong with the younger generation ppl now. they do things really out of their mind. what is so fun playing around with relationship and being a "3" in between ppl.

today should be a happy day! so i will stop all the negative comments here.
while waiting for the office christmas gathering, here i am writing my blog.  will be doing some gift exchange and lucky draw later! yeah!
guess the programme recently will be really pack! going my sister's church tml to watch her performance. though i kinda lazy and unwanted to go. haha.

every body was saying 21 december 2012 will be the last day of the world.
my bf was so sweet that he posted on my fb and write

"Dear please be home tonight before 2359hrs. In case if really end of the world at least I can hug you tightly and leave the world together. "

i feel so touched and almost cried. of course, i didnt! because i was in my office. we have been together for 1 and half year, we are still staying close and sweet and loving! i told him, if the world is going to end, i will feel lucky that i found him before the world end. because he is really a very nice bf. which i really hope A and Y story will not fall on us.

i love to cook for him, because he has never say nasty thing about my cooking. all his words are nice to my ears! haha.... and no matter what, he will finish up the food i cook for sure! ^^

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

going crazy with the load of work i got. everything have a deadline.
guess im going OT soon.
went for TIMES 2013 training course yesterday. 50% went into my mind.
as this is my first time doing IRAS for this company and Bonus, i am kinda stressed up now.
and not only for this company, also for my bf's company. which ARE 3 of them.... this is really hell for me men!
i am really afraid that i couldnt do a gd job.
nervous!!!! to the max....
well, no matter i am nervous or not, i still have to do it.
haiz...... still got so many things to do. and im going to rush for my closing tml. which needs to be emailed to Taiwan by thursday.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Finally got the time to update my blog....
was having exam for the past few days..... quantitative skills and Management.....
QS is very easy, while Management needs to memorize.
luckily the tips that the lecture gave us came out....... hopefully can get A's for both of my exams....

currently there is a one for one promotion for jetstar, booked tickets for thailand trip in May 2013.
kinda emo for a moment because going bangkok makes me thought of the previous trip that i went with fanjians group. Unfortunately, this group no long exist. it's some kinda misunderstanding and our thinkings are so different from the past. maybe, we just cant click with one another.

Been raining recently and i just cant leave office on time...... getting sick soon i guess?

was chatting with Jesmin yest via whatsapp, talking about money (Dog). she was the previous owner. it's kinda sad that she gotta give money away. due to her sis-in-law. i believe that she still miss money, just that she dont really show it out. kinda pity her.sigh~~~

my Future mother-in-law went to USA yesterday. sent her off at the airport and i realised that her dressing is really fashion compared to the other 2 aunties who are so much more younger than her.
kinda dont bear... haha
while me and eleen (my boyfriend's sis) on our way home, i told her that, i guess her husband (peter) will call and ask for her mum's car at 7pm as it's red plate. and i was right, 13 mins before 7pm, he called and asked for car. as he is an irresponsible driver, who always drink and drive, no one would want to lend him car.
just like the previous accident, he crashed her mother's car and didnt even care to ask how was the claim all that. and i really dislike him. he dont gain any respect from anybody.
he can even told his children that he went to jail before. how could he? is it very great of going to jail? and he can even told his children there is no need to study and even scolded them for revising early before school even started? what kinda father are you?

hoping that everything goes smoothly before she come back to singapore...... kinda scared of him....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

i feel kinda lonely sometimes.....

Friday, November 30, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Dear ALL,

it's the last day of November 2012...... 31 more days to a new year 2013.
i hereby wish everyone Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

This tree was decor by me with the help of some of my colleagues! Kinda difficult for me as this is my first time...... haha..... hope it's not that ugly.... =)

from next month onwards until Apr 2013, i will be super duper bz! as im the only HR in the company....
indeed, it's not easy to be a HR at times...... Many ppl thought that HR is an easy and relax job.
I got to say "NO". not as easy as you thought.... haha.... need to take care with a lot of thing nehz!

Our Bintan Trip 12 Oct 2012

went to Bintan, Cabana beach resort is a very good place to relax.
staying on top of the  sea.....

on the first day, after check-in, went for "king and queen massage" at around 4pm (Indonesia time).
it cost S$154 for 2 of us.... a 2 hr spa and massage for both of us. which include Jacuzzi, body scrub and mask, massage and bath. it's really worth it!

on the second day, had our lunch at the lobby. then rented a car to bring us to the famous "pasar oleh oleh", at the same place, there's' "mangrove and fireflies" which is $35 per pax.
The first time in my life, so near to the fireflies..... that's one of the happiest moment for the trip.
Tot of going to sebung village for seafood dinner, heard that it's the most famous seafood place there, but it's too late for us to go there bah.... so headed back to the sister hotel, "Bintan Agro" for some seafood.
their pepper crabs are really delicious! and for us, it's really cheap.

one the 3rd day, arranged for snokerling at 1.30pm. When we reach there, it started raining, and the person told us that with this kinda rain going on, we have to cancel it. kinda sad but i prayed to God to give me a gd weather and the rain stop soon. the person who controlled the boat drop us in the middle of the sea.... which is quite far away from the shore. i was so scared even the life jacket is on. because this is my first time. which that person dunno... if he knows, he will let me practice at the shore first. haha... but still, i still jump down bcox my bf is there..... the water is about 2m deep only. but im still scare which i dunno what i am scared of. haha.....
keep screaming to get on the boat......
at the end of the day, i swam the furthest.... hahha..... at first i tot, this will be my first and last time of snorkerling.... but ended up, i told my bf that i will wanna try snokerling again and i really miss it now!

actually nth much to update on the trip... whhaha.....  seriously, cant wait for our next trip again

This is us.... the usual us.... haha....... 

Monday, November 19, 2012

今天的心情有点烦闷。。。。 不知道自己在胡思乱想些什么。。。。。
因为,我知道他是不会对不起我的。。。。 就算会,我也不能阻止啊。。。。
想多,也没有。。。 反而,只会让自己更加烦。。。。
他。。。。。。。。。。 真的只会爱我一个人吗?

Monday, November 5, 2012

the start of happiness

This blog started because of HIM ---> The man in my life, Jimmy Shum! <3
This blog started because this is a place to blog about the happy moment in our lives.....
the hard time, the good time we went thru' =)

We know each others in year 2010. somewhere is November or December.
the first time we met, he was with another gal. Let's name her "Gal A"
The first impression when i saw him was......

"wa lao! so ugly..... luckily he's not  my boyfriend.... "
(i know you are wondering, if that's the case, why are we together...??? )
haha...... slowly..... let me continue the story.

Jimmy, is my friend's friend.
we happened to come out for drink. and that point of time, everybody take him as a "Robert".
slowly, we meet more and more.... and slowly we becomes friends.....
as a friends, of course we do share problems with each other.
at first, i feel like ignore him because i felt so irritated by him.
Gal A is not a nice gal. and she was cheating on his feelings and money. She was with another guy when she was still with him. Mayb he knows or he dont. but the group of gals (include me) knows it and saw it.
we just chose to keep quiet as we do not want to get into other's ppl affair.
but slowly, the closer we became as a friend, the more i feel like telling him the truth.
because, i just dont like to see my friend got cheated.

i was also in love with another guy. called Jack. But we were not stable at all... and somehow he's a flirt.

so at the same time, Jimmy and I got problem with our relationship. we became very close. and we always purposely tag ourselves at somewhere to fed up our another partner.
and, it's successful.
we became close friends. went for supper few times a week. we meet up with each other while we were bored. just to let time pass.

during last year May 2012, he decided to chase after me. actually i guess he's just trying his luck.
and at that point of time, we were both not attached. so i also thinking, mayb we can try out.

because i could accept him, he had done things that touched me.
treating me like a princess. pamper me, dote me.
give me surprised.

and we got together on 05th June 2011.
we were actually not seriously when we first dated. our mindset was like, got then got, no then no.
never had we ever thought that, we will be together until now.
we are deeply in love with each others.
and we planning to get married.

hahaha!!!! quite funny yeah? the impression i had and now ended up this way.
I share it with some ppl. and many ppl said " it's retribution"
the more you dunwan, the more it will become yours. =)

of course, i have never regret to be with him. i feel so happy to be with him. and of course, fortunate to have him. it's not the matter of look, it's the heart and thoughts that count.