Saturday, May 18, 2013


i need a change desperately... of course, changing for the better....
my first desperate is to slim down.....
i know it's not as easy as talking.....
i used to to be very slim and people do praise me of my figure....
but, everything changed since im 21....
ever since i been with this person named Jameson aka ah gao
i love to wear clothing that is really tight fit..... and i can realised that i have grown meat immediately so that i can do some adjustment.
but then, he doesnt allow me to wear those clothing which i really really love to.
of course, i should say i deserve it..... because i shoudn't let others to take control of my life......
so, from now on.... i will and i must do it.
To love and to respect myself more.... should dress up and doll myself up like how i used to be.
like how much i used to love myself.... bcox i deserve it....
im those kinda lazy people. i dont like to exercise and i love to eat. especially steamboat.
really wonder how can i reach my goal.... hah!

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