Tuesday, January 15, 2013

recently was kinda tired day for me..... shoulder is aching.....
school started last monday...... will be taking Marketing and Economic for this term.
hopefully i am able to do it well.
recently my work is not as much as the past 2 months.
hmmm....... i feel that, my boss somehow unhappy with me? or am i too over sensitive?
hopefully i am.
i will be turning 28 this year. and dear will be 32 this year.
many ppl say it's time to get married. but i guess he is not ready. even though i feel excited waiting for his proposal. but, on the other hand, i am scare. guess i am not prepared for it yet.
recently, have a new thought of opening my own business. already doing HR for so many years, guess it's time to do something else? but, really dunno what kinda business should i do.
opening a manicure shop in singapore, also a problem. there are too many this kinda shops in singapore already.

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