Tuesday, January 29, 2013

was a busy weekend last week!
as it's the SBF Event, went to help on sunday. the weather was freaking hot!
i almost fainted when i just reached there for few hours! and i drank a lot of water! really respect the rest who can tahan for 2 days! salute!
though i dont really willing to help out at first, because i dont really like this kinda event, etc. esp with the hot weather. but afterall, it's still fun and i enjoy it. just that, it's very tiring.

had my first preg test last  saturday, it was negative. very happy but feel sad after a while.
feeling giddy and almost fainted yesterday. the bone near my ass there was kinda pain. was thinking if i am preg. as the test kit i used on sat cost me only $3 and it's going to expire in Jan 2013.
wasnt feeling very well recently. and this morning i realised there's a bit of blood on my panty, and i thought it was menses, but it only comes with few spots. and now, i dont see any. but sometimes, it will be like that when you come normal menses. so, should wait and see for tml.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

如果。。。。 我怀孕了。。。。 怎么办???
昨天又特别饿。。。。 今天又吃不下。。。。
平时爱吃的,今天吃到反胃。。。。。。 不要告诉我,我真的怀孕了。。。。
feel like vomiting these few days. wondering if i am pregnant. but there is one more day to my menses.
actually, partially i hoping that i am and not.
reason for not getting preg, because im not married yet though we are very stable now.
of course, people at my age, i feel like having a child.
my bf told me yesterday that if im really preg, we will get married next month. so fast!
he told me, cannot be wait till my stomach big then married bah. haha.... at least, he's being thoughtful.

Friday, January 18, 2013

我男朋友以前的scandal 要他做她婚礼的mc... 因为她的mc 的爷爷突然过世。
就因为,我男朋友需要做她的mc, 结果要我自己去她的wedding.
我嘴里一气之下,就告诉他,明天我不去了。还send 了他一个msg.
“ it seems like your scandal is more impt. disappointed"

我希望,这辈子,你不会对不起我。。。。 因为我真的害怕。
昨天你说我99.9% 是跟你结婚的那个了。。。 我问你,为什么只是99.9%
我心里,还是会害怕。。。 或许,最后我真的会拒绝你?我自己也不知道我最后的决定。

P.S. just received an image from dear dear via whatsapp, which is his call log.
and follow by a msg, telling me that even before i sent him the disappointed msg. he already call her that he is  not going to be her MC right after i told him that im not going. looking at that msg, i tear. i feel so touched.
and continue, he told me that, actually he already knew what my reaction will be, but he just trying out his luck.... =.=" 那你是不是在等被骂?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

其实我很想念fanjians...... 可是,就是没有那个勇气拿起电话send 一句问候的话。。。。
我想,他们都过得很好吧。。。。 就别去打捞他们的生活了。。。

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

recently was kinda tired day for me..... shoulder is aching.....
school started last monday...... will be taking Marketing and Economic for this term.
hopefully i am able to do it well.
recently my work is not as much as the past 2 months.
hmmm....... i feel that, my boss somehow unhappy with me? or am i too over sensitive?
hopefully i am.
i will be turning 28 this year. and dear will be 32 this year.
many ppl say it's time to get married. but i guess he is not ready. even though i feel excited waiting for his proposal. but, on the other hand, i am scare. guess i am not prepared for it yet.
recently, have a new thought of opening my own business. already doing HR for so many years, guess it's time to do something else? but, really dunno what kinda business should i do.
opening a manicure shop in singapore, also a problem. there are too many this kinda shops in singapore already.

Friday, January 11, 2013

keeping silence

not in a good mood today!
我。。。。。 沉默了。。。。
some things never change, perhaps it became a routine for the both of us.
i know that you are busy, can hoping that you wont neglect me.
some sentence you made, it really sound like i treat you like a driver.
perhaps, you didnt realised you changed as time passed.
yes though we are happy all the while with each other.
butm sth which you are supposed to do, you dont do it at all anymore.
some times back, you make me feels that there is a 3rd party. hopefully im just being over sensitive.
miss the time when you were chasing me. but times will never go back to where we were.

Monday, January 7, 2013

am updating my blog during my working time..... reason? my copier machine is down and still waiting for the technician to come and repair.... so, am kinda free right now.

last saturday was kinda busy for me, as i am helping out the SBF 11th anniversary for the pre-launch.
gotta wake up early in the morning and prepare to go to several place.

this is our last stop. there will also be 2 more pre-launch event for the next 2 saturday!

Got this from the SBF fb:

SBF 11th Anniversary Pre-Event Roadshow #2
Date: 12 Jan 2013

Visit our road show on the 12th Jan 2013 for hot models, great deals! There are games and prizes to be won!

SBF Members can also sign up for the 11th Anniversary Goodie Bag at the following locations, a brand new motorcycle must be given away at the actual event on 26-27 Jan 2013 at Scape Orchard!

Location #1: Toh Guan Road
Time: 11.30am - 2.00pm

Shops: Choong Kok Agency (Toh Guan)
Address: 34 Toh Guan Road East Enterprise Hub #01-27 Singapore 608579

Location #2: Alexander Village
Time: 2.30pm - 6.00pm

Shops: Race Werks Motor Sports
Address: 1008 Bukit Merah Lane 3 #01-26 Singapore 159722

Shops: Universal Motor
Address: 1008 Bukit Merah Lane 3 #01-22 Singapore 159722

Gather your friends and join us for a day of fun. See you there!

so guys, see you there!

after a long day of hard work, we met up with dear's mum for dinner at AMK for Botak Jones. a long long time didnt get to eat it! but his mum still prefer Aston. we will go next time. 

after dinner, i went to Yishun with His mum and sister while he went home as he's too lazy to go with us. 
went there to buy shampoo and condition to replenish the one that is already finished! 
as his mum want to buy some onion, we went to Sheng Siong near Admiralty there. ended up, she bought a lot of things. haha..... as usual, that's what a woman would do..... while we on our way there, we had chat in the car. was saying about the "brother-in-law". up till now, he has not get any job! he's too choosy over job even though he is totally broke now........ =.=" ok... whatever...... it's doesnt bother me. just really dislike him...... 

on a sunday, we stayed at home and didnt went out. (as he was not at home)

we had a wonderful dinner. and after dinner, we started playing xbox kinect. it's kinda tiring to play the "just 4 dance". perhaps, im too old for it. the kids love it a lot. 

today, is the first day of my school term. sigh..... school started. was kinda bored.  no one likes school, isnt it?

but still, i still got to go just to get that piece of paper..... 

Friday, January 4, 2013

first post of year 2013

this is my first post of the year 2013. as i was very busy recently, have not got the time to update my blog.

31st December 2012
went for steamboat at Chuan Wang Fu located at Yishun with Andy, Gwen, Jesmin, Alwi and Dear.
decided to go over Andy and Gwen's house for Mahjong, ended up we were play xbox kinect. had a lot of fun counting down to the year 2013. was playing the "just 4 dance" and "rabbib"

1st January 2013
it's a new year for everyone and i believe all of us should think of a new year resolution for ourselves!
for me, my new year resolution is to get a big increment and promotion! of course, hoping to settle down with my dear!

early in the morning for Year 2013, at 8am. wake up and get ready to go to JB. as it's Gwen birthday on 2nd January 2013. even though it's kinda tired as i was feeling very sick, and it's very early for me to wake up, we still wake up and go for it.
the custom is very clear, no jam at all! nice! we went in, and we had wanton mee for breakfast. after eating, we went straight to City square for our pedicure and manicure..... was looking for that one and only shop in city square, it's hide in one corner of the building. it took us quite sometimes to find that shop. fine..... as we saw and asked the staff, there's a promotion for SPA pedicure and manicure. we have checked what are included in the package, then we decided to take it up. feel kinda regret for doing my nails there.it's not worth the price at all! 2 of us are doing SPA Pedicure and the other 2 are doing SPA Manicure.
it doesnt feel a SPA to us. it's like a very normal classic pedicure. and their attitude is really sucks ttm.
after finished doing, we went to the ground floor to meet up with the rest. while we were there, the other 2 who are doing gelish nail said that their UV light for the gel nail should be a cheapo staff as it hurts their skin.
overall, what i wanna say is, if you want to do business, please do not use any cheapo item just to save your own money... by doing this, all your customers will just run away!

after that, we went for our K session. for about 4 to 5 hours. the room is so big with four mics! cool right?
and yeap, dear was not feeling well, he took a rest for a moment, and fall aslp. he complaint he got a very bad headaches since the previous night. and i realised he got fever and it's getting higher and higher.
and i got cough and sore throat, was trying to sing a few songs though it hurts my throat. wasnt that well.
oh ya. Peiying  is a very gd singer. she was singing "wo shi yi zhi xiao xiao niao" - By Ding Dang.
her voice is powerful! love it!

after K session, we actually planned to go for massage and Pasir gudang for dinner. Unfortunately, Dear's fever is going up. we got no choice but to go home. and from then, we said gd bye to the rest and headed back to Singapore.

when we reach home, dear stay in the bed the whole day, cover with blanket so that he could sweat. but to my knowledge, this is not the way, he should just let the wind blow and cool down his temperature. he just dont listen to me. Told him to eat pain killer, and he rejected it. till the point i gave him a look, he swallow it finally.

2 January 2013
he did not go to work , as his fever did not go down. even i am feeling very sick, i got no choice and still have to go for work. because im rushing for my closing and final quarter audit documents to be send to taiwan. i rush home right after work, and dear was still sleeping, the fever did not go down too! i got no choice but to scold him for not listening to me. i take away his blanket and make him eat medicine. get him to bath cold water. he listened! after bath, his temperature went down and he recovered! it's like.... =.=" should have listen to me marx! haha..... finally, he recovered!

3 January 2013
we both went to work. as this is the first time im doing the bonus and iras thing for the current company. im kinda gan jiong and i cant wait for it to be done soonest possible. so i stayed for OT to finish my work section by section! haha! i can say to be a workaholic!