Monday, July 29, 2013


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

There are so much thing for me to update.

First of all, I would like to say that, I have gotten my bridal shop and will be shooting next month. =)
I think we have drag too long to start our preparation. and now our schedule is very packed.
Went in to JB last sunday, our initial intention is actually just to walk around and check the bridal shop out. 
First, we went to Melbliss bridal shop, which is the first bridal shop in mind, and end up we stuck there. 
We were both attracted to their package, and im attracted to their night gown.... and yeah, so, we put a deposit there. The bridal consultant explained to us the procedure and duration of everything. End up, we both realised we need to shoot latest by october this year. so the consultant actually suggest us to schedule as early as possible just in case anything happen. and so, on the 9 August, we will be there to choose wedding gown, and on the 10 August, we will be having our photoshoot. 

Im happy and im nervous at the same time. i wonder, will all the bride-to-be be like me? haha...
and also kinda afraid la... haha
I know he's the one that i would want to marry, but of course, all women will afraid of marrying the wrong one.
out of so many ppl, i choose him. dont ask me why.... bcox i also dunno... haha
argh! restaurant not booked yet! jialat liao la.... 

Sisters settled.