Monday, June 24, 2013


Friday, June 14, 2013

it's been quite sometimes the last i update my blog.
so many things for me to update.
hmm..... tomorrow there will be a parents meeting session to discuss about the wedding preparation.
hope everything will go smoothly.
we will be going to JB to that bridal shop which i have selected to take a look on the 7 July 2013.
but, im still thinking, should i invite them for my actual wedding. as we have not been contact for so long. this is the only thing that puzzle me.
i have to admit that, im happy now too. bcox only things happen, then you are able to see clearly who are your true friends. True friend (s) need not be many. 1 or 2 will be enough.
some ppl think that, true friends should meet often. But to me, not neccessary. Often meet up doesnt show how close you are. But, for those who dont meet often, but hearts are always as close. that is then your true friends. a sentence from my buddy really touches my heart. she said " it's so good to have me." this sentence melt my heart. at least, i know, there is this someone, who can feel me and how i appreciate friend.
Though going BBK without the group of gals, feel a bit weird and of course a big different.
how i can say, they know me. they compromise me.
But whatever it is, it's already the end of our story.
Many ppl used to envy me that i have many friends. but now, i left with 2.
but that doesnt mean my life is bad. i am still as happy as before.