Monday, February 18, 2013

应该放下所有的仇恨了吧。。。。。。 会让自己心疼的,又何必再去恨呢。。。。

Friday, February 1, 2013

Frankly speaking, i am seriously pissed off. i wonder if it's my fault in the first place and come to realise it's not my fault at all!
Stupid TW mindset cause my work to cock up!
really feel like resigning at this moment.
after i have cool down, my boss came up to me and say that he checked with the previous gal, it's seperately etc. YES! I KNOW IT'S DONE SEPERATELY! but no one tells me that the money will transfer seperately and they are actually asking for Salary and Bonus report together at the same times!
I mean, logically, everybody will sure think that the money will be TT together at the same times right?
this is really WTF! if you dont trust me, then stop saying things like im doing very well etc.