Friday, November 30, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Dear ALL,

it's the last day of November 2012...... 31 more days to a new year 2013.
i hereby wish everyone Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

This tree was decor by me with the help of some of my colleagues! Kinda difficult for me as this is my first time...... haha..... hope it's not that ugly.... =)

from next month onwards until Apr 2013, i will be super duper bz! as im the only HR in the company....
indeed, it's not easy to be a HR at times...... Many ppl thought that HR is an easy and relax job.
I got to say "NO". not as easy as you thought.... haha.... need to take care with a lot of thing nehz!

Our Bintan Trip 12 Oct 2012

went to Bintan, Cabana beach resort is a very good place to relax.
staying on top of the  sea.....

on the first day, after check-in, went for "king and queen massage" at around 4pm (Indonesia time).
it cost S$154 for 2 of us.... a 2 hr spa and massage for both of us. which include Jacuzzi, body scrub and mask, massage and bath. it's really worth it!

on the second day, had our lunch at the lobby. then rented a car to bring us to the famous "pasar oleh oleh", at the same place, there's' "mangrove and fireflies" which is $35 per pax.
The first time in my life, so near to the fireflies..... that's one of the happiest moment for the trip.
Tot of going to sebung village for seafood dinner, heard that it's the most famous seafood place there, but it's too late for us to go there bah.... so headed back to the sister hotel, "Bintan Agro" for some seafood.
their pepper crabs are really delicious! and for us, it's really cheap.

one the 3rd day, arranged for snokerling at 1.30pm. When we reach there, it started raining, and the person told us that with this kinda rain going on, we have to cancel it. kinda sad but i prayed to God to give me a gd weather and the rain stop soon. the person who controlled the boat drop us in the middle of the sea.... which is quite far away from the shore. i was so scared even the life jacket is on. because this is my first time. which that person dunno... if he knows, he will let me practice at the shore first. haha... but still, i still jump down bcox my bf is there..... the water is about 2m deep only. but im still scare which i dunno what i am scared of. haha.....
keep screaming to get on the boat......
at the end of the day, i swam the furthest.... hahha..... at first i tot, this will be my first and last time of snorkerling.... but ended up, i told my bf that i will wanna try snokerling again and i really miss it now!

actually nth much to update on the trip... whhaha.....  seriously, cant wait for our next trip again

This is us.... the usual us.... haha....... 

Monday, November 19, 2012

今天的心情有点烦闷。。。。 不知道自己在胡思乱想些什么。。。。。
因为,我知道他是不会对不起我的。。。。 就算会,我也不能阻止啊。。。。
想多,也没有。。。 反而,只会让自己更加烦。。。。
他。。。。。。。。。。 真的只会爱我一个人吗?

Monday, November 5, 2012

the start of happiness

This blog started because of HIM ---> The man in my life, Jimmy Shum! <3
This blog started because this is a place to blog about the happy moment in our lives.....
the hard time, the good time we went thru' =)

We know each others in year 2010. somewhere is November or December.
the first time we met, he was with another gal. Let's name her "Gal A"
The first impression when i saw him was......

"wa lao! so ugly..... luckily he's not  my boyfriend.... "
(i know you are wondering, if that's the case, why are we together...??? )
haha...... slowly..... let me continue the story.

Jimmy, is my friend's friend.
we happened to come out for drink. and that point of time, everybody take him as a "Robert".
slowly, we meet more and more.... and slowly we becomes friends.....
as a friends, of course we do share problems with each other.
at first, i feel like ignore him because i felt so irritated by him.
Gal A is not a nice gal. and she was cheating on his feelings and money. She was with another guy when she was still with him. Mayb he knows or he dont. but the group of gals (include me) knows it and saw it.
we just chose to keep quiet as we do not want to get into other's ppl affair.
but slowly, the closer we became as a friend, the more i feel like telling him the truth.
because, i just dont like to see my friend got cheated.

i was also in love with another guy. called Jack. But we were not stable at all... and somehow he's a flirt.

so at the same time, Jimmy and I got problem with our relationship. we became very close. and we always purposely tag ourselves at somewhere to fed up our another partner.
and, it's successful.
we became close friends. went for supper few times a week. we meet up with each other while we were bored. just to let time pass.

during last year May 2012, he decided to chase after me. actually i guess he's just trying his luck.
and at that point of time, we were both not attached. so i also thinking, mayb we can try out.

because i could accept him, he had done things that touched me.
treating me like a princess. pamper me, dote me.
give me surprised.

and we got together on 05th June 2011.
we were actually not seriously when we first dated. our mindset was like, got then got, no then no.
never had we ever thought that, we will be together until now.
we are deeply in love with each others.
and we planning to get married.

hahaha!!!! quite funny yeah? the impression i had and now ended up this way.
I share it with some ppl. and many ppl said " it's retribution"
the more you dunwan, the more it will become yours. =)

of course, i have never regret to be with him. i feel so happy to be with him. and of course, fortunate to have him. it's not the matter of look, it's the heart and thoughts that count.